Bye-bye paper economy! - gastrotel

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HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
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Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
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Algorithms control the canteen kitchen - LKZ
Algorithms control the canteen kitchen
State Secretary Friedlinde Gurr-Hirsch visits the Speisewerk in the Urbanharbor - topic: Big Data for more efficiency in the food chain.
Sometimes you just have to talk to each other. This could be the conclusion drawn in the not too distant future by those involved in an appointment at the Ludwigsburg Speisewerk. Friedlinde Gurr-Hirsch, State Secretary in the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, will be finding out about digitalization in the restaurant industry on Wednesday morning. The Ludwigsburg District Office has arranged the appointment, and District Administrator Rainer Haas also wants to talk to entrepreneur Max Maier and his family. The Maier family is transforming derelict industrial sites in the west of Ludwigsburg into modern workplaces on a grand scale, where mobility, building management and digitalization are completely networked. Numerous companies, including large corporations, have set up shop. Many of their employees eat at the Speisewerk during their lunch break. Up to 1,200 meals are prepared there every day, and the Speisewerk also supplies many daycare centers and schools in the region.
Mass feeding is done by algorithm, so to speak. Because a recipe is nothing other than an algorithm, explains entrepreneur Max Maier to his guests. And gastronomic quality is above all the digitalised function of temperature and time in the entire production process of a foodstuff, "the rest is cooking art". Maier wants to ensure quality through regional value chains, but also through more digitalization. His vision: the online platform "Check Cloud", which records all food production processes. "Big Data for more efficiency in commercial kitchens": this is how his group of companies promotes far-reaching digitalization from production to food serving. Networked catering, as in the Speisewerk, is also intended to reduce food waste and energy costs, for example through digitalised temperature control in cold stores. "If all commercial kitchens in Germany were digitized, we could shut down a nuclear power plant," says the entrepreneur.
According to him, a comprehensive digitalization of the gastronomy is only possible if the legislator defines the framework conditions. "We need standards in hygiene or logistics, and for that we need politics", Maier turns to the state secretary. For three years, he has been trying to get in touch with various authorities, but his "Check Cloud" project has not met with the response he had hoped for. The entrepreneur is surprised that the public sector should also welcome advances in digitalization. "If we don't get it right here, how can the administration become digital?
Gurr-Hirsch takes careful note of Maier's complaints and is impressed in view of the value chain in the regional environment. "We will hold a round table," assures the State Secretary. She holds out the prospect of activating relevant players at federal level as well, but warns against too much euphoria. "We have to start in small steps first."

Published August 22, 2019 in LKZ
Author Frank Klein

We need standards in hygiene or logistics, and for that we need politics.
Big Data for more efficiency in the canteen kitchen. Networked catering, as in the speisewerk, should also reduce food waste and energy costs, for example through digitalised temperature control in cold stores.
If all commercial kitchens in Germany were digitized, we could shut down a nuclear power plant.

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

big data leads to greater efficiency in the large kitchen
in the large kitchen
The speisewerk uses digitalization to optimize its processes from delivery to meal serving.
Commercial kitchens are subject to regular and strict quality controls: To ensure food safety, there are clear legal requirements regarding hygiene and the cold chain as well as their documentation. However, maintaining an overview is also enormously important when it comes to stock levels and food orders. In this report, you can read how they can meet the challenges with just a few clicks on their smartphone thanks to digitalization.

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

ErfaFoodService - Expert talk
Expert Talk Voice Assistance & Digitalization in the Food Service Market
-on 03.09.2019 at urbanharbor Ludwigsburg
The background
The food service market is exposed to high competitive pressure and the constantly changing demands of the guests with regard to waiting times, information offer, offer quality and the digital offer. Intelligent solutions in the service area and the kitchen offer a high potential to optimize processes economically and at the same time meet customer expectations. Sensors for automatic recording, interfaces for data exchange via established systems, apps as well as cloud-based solutions already enable sophisticated products and facilitate work processes. In combination with voice input, significant added value can be achieved. It enables intuitive and simple operation, which in combination with AI assistance systems have a high degree of innovation. This significantly expands the interaction possibilities with the products. While Amazon-Alexa is experiencing rapid demand for the private sector, solutions for the food service market are still in their infancy. In this expert talk, we would like to present the current developments and projects in the field of voice assistance systems and digital solutions for networking. Afterwards, we will discuss your needs, requirements and integration potential for voice assistants with you and the experts in a round table discussion.
Target groups
Decision-makers, restaurateurs, equipment manufacturers, logistics and delivery services, service and consulting companies, food manufacturers, suppliers.
Max Maier

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Reference - Europapark Rust
Networked gastronomy: Telekom digitizes quality controls
- Europa-Park in Rust uses IoT solution in the new "Krønasår" hotel
- Perform and document quality and hygiene checks digitally
- More transparency in food processing
A good chef must be able to do more than just cook delicious dishes. The demands on him are manifold. In addition to good taste, the guest expects high quality ingredients. The legislator demands that he adheres to hygiene standards and documents them. The operator wants a sustainable use of resources. Chefs are now getting help for this from the Internet of Things (IoT). The "Check Cloud" solution digitizes inspection processes and documents their results. Seamlessly and in real time. It also provides reliable data about systems and their function. For example, whether cold storage rooms are working faultlessly. The Europa-Park theme park & adventure resort in Rust uses the solution. It is used in the gastronomy in the new 4-star superior hotel "Krønasår".
IoT solution puts an end to paperwork
Hygiene is the be-all and end-all in a kitchen. In general, the more extensive the gastronomic offer, the higher the requirements. In Germany, food safety regulations are based on the global hygiene concept "HACCP" (hazard analysis and critical control points). This means that those responsible must carry out checks at critical points and document the results. For example, what is the temperature of the chicken breast when it is delivered? At what temperature is it stored in the cold store? Were the containers properly cleaned after use? Many still use handwritten protocols or Excel lists for this.
This is much easier, faster and more reliable with the "Check Cloud" solution. It is a complete package with which companies can carry out and document inspection processes digitally. "Check Cloud" is based on the Telekom solution "Goods Compliance", which has been adapted for the special requirements of the food industry and gastronomy. "To this end, we are cooperating with the Max Maier Group, which has international experience in equipping commercial kitchens. In this way, we are combining the experience of both industries in Check Cloud," says Rami Avidan, who is responsible for the Internet of Things business at T-Systems.
Food quality always in view
Using sensors, hand-held measuring devices and checklists, kitchen staff record the required data, such as the temperature of the food. And they do so at freely definable checkpoints. All data flows in real time via the cloud into a clear online portal. There, they are graphically processed and documented. So the chef can see at a glance: Everything is in order. If not, the solution sounds the alarm.
Complete documentation of hygiene controls
Thanks to the IoT solution, the entire food processing becomes transparent. From the delivery of goods to storage and preparation to the serving of food. The chefs thus document seamlessly that they are complying with the regulations. In addition, they receive valuable information in real time about the condition of the food. In this way, they ensure the quality of the food and operate more sustainably.
Europa-Park uses the solution in the new hotel "Krønasår
"We make no compromises when it comes to quality. This applies to our attractions and hotels as well as to our restaurants. Digitalisation helps us to achieve the goals we have set ourselves and to comply with legal requirements," says Arne Weimann, Deputy Food & Beverage Director at Europa-Park Hotels. "Check Cloud convinced us functionally and in terms of data security." It will be used in the gastronomy of the new 4-star superior hotel "Krønasår". Europa-Park opened the new hotel on May 31. Two restaurants and a café offer space for over 1,300 guests at the same time.
- A contribution from Telekom -
published 06/26/2019

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

MANAGEMENT FORUM - "Digitization doesn't mean there are no more cooks"
"Digitization doesn't mean there are no more cooks"
Andreas Müller knows from his own experience that the connectivity of the devices is currently still the greatest difficulty for Kitchen 4.0. As managing director of Better Taste GmbH, he has driven digitalisation forward in his restaurant "speisewerk". A conversation about interfaces, lessons learned and the kitchen 2050.
Mr. Müller, in your flagship on the urbanharbor site in Ludwigsburg, the "speisewerk", you work with the principle of "Catering 4.0". What does catering 4.0 actually mean and why should it be introduced?
It doesn't really matter whether you call it 4.0. It's basically about implementing digitalization in the kitchen area. There are several reasons for introducing it. On the one hand, it's about simplifying processes. On the other hand, you have to address the personnel situation. We have fewer and fewer skilled workers in the kitchen and more and more semi-skilled and unskilled employees. More and more has to be documented, the process descriptions are becoming increasingly dense. To escape the paper economy, there is no other option than to go digital.
Was the digital concept an integral part of the planning or was this implemented subsequently during ongoing operations?
It was already an integral part of the planning - and that made the implementation much easier. Of course, you can also plan the data line, the Wi-Fi connection, the device selection during operation, but it is of course much easier to plan this right from the start - especially with regard to the different manufacturers! There is still a lack of permeability of the systems here.
So the issue of interfaces is the main problem in process design?
Yes, that is still the biggest difficulty at the moment. This is a well-known problem that arose a few years ago. When digitalization began, every manufacturer started cooking its own soup. You can see this in other products as well. Take a look at mobile phone chargers. Everybody builds their own version.
How did you solve that?
We are right in the middle of the process. We use the Check System from Rieber in our operations, which has the advantage that it offers the possibility of linking systems and documenting working methods, regardless of the manufacturer.
How have the employees received the change?
Very good - and that also goes beyond the kitchen. For example, we have a cloud-based time recording system. Here, the employees immediately understand the comprehensible benefits. It also has to be said that our industry is not streamlining. Digitization does not mean that there are no more cooks. That would be an automated kitchen. No, digitization means that I, as a chef in procurement, can plan more flexibly or no longer have to run through the cold rooms to write down the temperatures - I can concentrate on cooking. Or working in a patisserie and being able to look online to see which cakes have sold best and plan better. And and and...
Lessons learned - What are three things anyone planning or remodeling a digital kitchen needs to consider now?
The first thing to look out for: The digital solutions must be networkable. Otherwise you have the problem that you have to go from one digital system back to the analogue and then back to the second digital system. Then you have an additional expense that calls into question the usefulness of digitization.
The second is that one should free oneself from conventional planning, the classic structural division - today, on the one hand, production is more decoupled and, on the other hand, digitality will be individually tailored to the company.
And thirdly, I should think about future eating behaviour. Who is my future clientele? In 10, 15 years, will I be catering to customers locally, or catering more? Or will I offer a mix?
Keyword ambience - the architectural philosophy of the urbanharbor site is rooted in industrial history, a time when the analogue was predominant - how do the digital and the analogue relate in the "speisewerk"?
It is a deliberate contrast and at the same time a complement. The clientele that operates in the area has a lot to do with digitalization. And they really like the industrial charm. It would probably have been cheaper to tear down the site and build a soulless new building. But the symbiosis of industrial character and modern architecture is precisely what gives the site its attractive flair. On the other hand, we wanted to show the transformation - from the industrial age to digitalization 4.0.
Does every restaurant need digitization?
In principle, you can digitize in any area. The question is whether this has to be recognizable for the guest. Surely there are a few digitization freaks in Berlin, for example, who only want to order their food by pad. But we're not addressing digital freaks, we're addressing guests. And we want them to feel comfortable. Our POS systems, voice processes, and temperature sensors that send data to the database at predefined intervals - all of this should only be marginally noticeable to the guest.
How must digitalization in the kitchen progress in order for Germany to remain globally competitive? What will the kitchen look like in 2050?
No one knows what will develop in such a long period of time. Fifteen years ago we could not imagine that one day we would have telephones with which we would do everything but make phone calls. Certainly, kitchen processes will change significantly in some areas. Digitization basically means that it's not the person who produces who has the power, but the person who has the information. This is particularly relevant for planning in large kitchens that produce more than 1,000 meals a day. In catering kitchens with perhaps 100 meals a day, I think there will continue to be the charm of the individual and the handcrafted.
In general, however, Germany is currently pushing itself out of competitiveness. Try filling up an e-hybrid car outside your own home. Germany is poorly positioned in this respect. Or take a train and try to work with a laptop and a phone - it's impossible. Germany is still light years away from a comprehensive digital infrastructure. And this must be in place if we want to make progress in digitalization in the kitchen.
Interview by Kai Linde - published 25 March 2019

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HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

NEW FEATURE - File attachments & URL deposit

With the new feature you can now attach individual downloads of any kind such as PDF, JPG, Word files etc. and also URL links behind each QR code. This allows the responsible person to retrieve helpful information at each checkpoint. For organized and simple data and information sharing, available exactly at the checkpoint where the information is needed.
From operating instructions, cleaning or maintenance instructions, site plans or working instructions according to the use and personnel.
With this new possibility to store file attachments & URLs in CHECK HACCP you are highly flexible and can avoid various sources of error and always inform, train and instruct your staff digitally. In addition, there is the option to distinguish between admin and user views of the data, whereby even sensitive data that should only be visible to admin access can be stored.

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

KÜCHE - trade magazine for professional chefs
Intelligent kitchen technology that is digital, easy to operate and cloud-based offers professional chefs many advantages in their daily work. The manufacturer-independent service provider Check Services uses the example of HACCP documentation to show how it can work.
From the field to the plate - for a long time, the path of food from the producer to the consumer took place without any major detours. Max Maier, Managing Director of Check Services GmbH &Co. KG in Ludwigsburg, knows that things have long since changed in modern society: "Whereas in the past I might have known my food personally from the field in my neighbourhood, today intermediate processors, wholesalers, food retailers and final processors have pushed their way in between. In addition, much of the food is transported in plastic and disposable packaging. With far-reaching consequences for people and the environment. Eleven million tons of food end up in the garbage in this country every year, and the packaging waste amounts to 16 million tons annually. On average, a food product travels 4,000 kilometers before it ends up on our plates, explains Maier.
Published in the issue KÜCHE 3 2019

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

NEW FEATURE - Flexible checklists

Digitize your checklists with up to 20 queryable TODO points. Individual notes and photos can also be attached to the flexible checklist. In addition, for reliable compliance, the alert function can remind users of their outstanding TODOs via smartphone.

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.