Focus on the process - Trend Compass
Focus on the process
From the field to the plate: In order to reduce food waste worldwide and increase the quality of food, CHECK Services has been reorganizing the food flow process since 2018 as a manufacturer-independent service provider with various partners and thanks to a digital solution. The trend compass was at urbanharbor in Ludwigsburg. Headquarters of CHECK Services.
With the launch of CHECK HACCP, an important module is already successfully on the market. Check HACCP gives users the advantage that all relevant data is made available to them on a single horizontal cloud platform. This includes temperature results and hygiene values from various sources, systems and applications - all independent of time and place.
With the help of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology of the cooperation partner T-Systems, the system was brought to a high-performance level. The partner T-Systems is responsible for the product implementation and, above all, ensures IT security and data protection in a German data center.
Published in the December 2018 issue - Trendkompass

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Digital from the field to the plate - LKZ
Digital from the field to the plate
Where does the great added value of digitization lie today? Not in the invention of new data worlds, but in the application of the new technical possibilities to the existing living environment. This is what a young company in Ludwigsburg's Weststadt district, Check Services GmbH, stands for. Based on this philosophy, the start-up has found a way to use digital means to make the personnel-intensive control procedures in food processing easier and faster. The system also offers a platform for comprehensive action throughout the entire food chain, including reusable products.
The managing director is Max Maier. It is no coincidence that the young entrepreneur realizes ideas for digitalization especially in the food industry. His father is Max Maier senior, who is not only the owner of Ludwigsburg's Urbanharbor business park, but also the owner of the Reutlingen-based company Rieber, an equipment specialist for the professional catering industry. Anyone who produces, processes and distributes food today has to ensure that a growing number of controls are carried out on their own responsibility in day-to-day production. The package of regulations goes by the abbreviation HACCP and means the proof that in a restaurant as in a large kitchen, on a farm as in a dairy, the standards for hygiene and for the temperature of the food are maintained on a whole chain of control points.
Until now, this has meant costly paperwork for many catering businesses to document proof of inspections.
In the initial phase of their digital development strategy, Maier and his father still relied on developing their own IT solutions. "But we realized that we'd be better off focusing on our core competence and looking for a partner." The choice fell on Telekom subsidiary T-Systems. Check Services offers a control chain networked via the Internet. This consists in part of permanently installed sensors that automatically collect data in the cold storage room, for example. In the kitchen or during transport, mobile measuring devices are needed. Here, the check system uses a technical development from racing, where the tire temperature is recorded within just one or two seconds during a pit stop. This technology, implemented in a measuring device that is networked with the smartphone app via Bluetooth, accelerates the temperature control of food and makes the leap into digitalization.
The various checkpoints, for example at dispensing counters or transport containers, are marked with QR codes and can thus be quickly located for data processing and documentation by smartphone scan. The data in the check system all goes into a cloud solution from T-Systems. "We can thus ensure the guidelines of German data protection," says Max Maier. In line with the insight that "you can only become strong in the digital world with strong partners," the cooperation with one of Germany's most powerful data centers at the University of Stuttgart also fits in. There is the necessary capacity to analyze as much of the digital data from the check system as possible. This with the aim of further improving processes in the food chain. "If we develop an algorithm that can dynamically create the best-before date based on the real-time temperature throughout the entire cold chain, food would have a longer shelf life on average, which would reduce food waste," explains Max Maier.
The new Check Services GmbH has been spun off from the parent company Rieber. "We want to offer the food industry a cross-manufacturer and holistic platform," says the managing director. The vision is to integrate other areas in the production, distribution and processing of food into the platform. "Each division in the entire food sector is well organised in its own right, but it stops at its own edge, there is still a kind of silo thinking," says Max Maier.
A networked food world offers new and far-reaching perspectives, such as the shift away from disposable packaging and plastic waste to a reusable system. This is where the paths of the spin-off Check Services GmbH and the parent company Rieber meet again. Max Maier Sr. has developed a reusable system with temperature-efficient stainless steel/aluminum containers and matching kitchen technology.
Just these days, the Maier family has won a prominent and large customer for the catering market for this combination of digitalization, reusable and automated kitchen technology: Dr. Oetker Professional Germany.
Published December 1-2, 2018 in LKZ.
Author Peter Maier-Stein

Vision for a networked world of food and for an end to silo thinking.
The journey of our food - the challenge: organising the logistical information and processes between the food, the processing stages and the people along the value chain.
System also offers help in the fight against food waste.

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Everything checked? - GVmanager

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Savings potential through CHECK HACCP
Data Facts - speisewerk
Size: 3500-4000 meals a day
Delivery points: 50 locations
Method: 80% Cook & Chill, 20% Cook & Hold
HACCP responsible person: 3 cooks, each responsible for a different area
CHECK HACCP: 25 QR codes, 3 core temperature sensors (Mobile CHECK), 8 cold stores (Auto CHECK), 3 gateways. (230€ / month)
Time conventional analogue HACCP documentation effort per cook: 30-40 min daily
Documentation effort CHECK HACCP per cook: 5-10 min daily
Time saved per cook: 20 min daily
ROI taking into account all investments, including service & installation over the 36 months: 9.2 months

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Customer feedback speisewerk
What our customers say about CHECK HACCP
Lunch & More
Mobile catering for regional day-care centres, schools, refectories and companies

Samuel Staiger - Operations Manager speisewerk
"The administration of CHECK is simple. Creating users or adding new measuring points can be done within a few minutes and is immediately recorded in the CHECK CLOUD and can therefore be used straight away.The dashboard informs me immediately about deviations and is therefore my 24-hour watchdog in the house.Our cleaning company is also connected to the CHECK CLOUD and can therefore document all cleanings.Damage and soiling can be immediately recorded via the photo function.

Marcel Stein - Head chef speisewerk
"I get immediate information about deviations via the dashboard and have more overview and transparency in a single system instead of in individual folders. The mobile digital core temperature measurement and the Auto CHECK of the cold stores save me 30 minutes a day with better and more accurate documentation results, so I have more time for important tasks.

Mario Scherer - Chef de partie speisewerk
"CHECK is a quick way to record temperatures and also hygiene on a day-to-day basis without the hassle of paper documentation and all digitally and even via app on my smartphone."

Alexander Feil - Chef de Cuisine Lunch & More
"For me, CHECK HACCP saves time first and foremost through the fast recording and complete control of the HACCP standards that I have to document every day. I have every piece of information in the CHECK CLOUD and no more wasted paper and folders. In our production we pay strict attention to making our processes environmentally friendly, and with CHECK we can now also do this in the documentation. All in all, I have a helpfulwork easier with simple operation and control. I can provide my customers with information on questions and problems much more quickly and easily.

Ines Emmert - Operations Manager Lunch & More
"CHECK offers me a unique, digital control and protocol system. Liability cases can be greatly limited, because I have a multi-level temperature documentation until the thermoport is handed over at the destination facility. From production, goods issue to delivery."

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

T-Systems Reference Partner
CHECK Services: Transparent food chain from the field to the plate
The CHECK CLOUD digitalization and organization system from CHECK Services allows the hygiene and temperature of food and meals to be digitally monitored and documented. This is intended to improve their quality, increase process efficiency and enable the traceability of reusable systems.
Digital monitoring of legal hygiene regulations
Intelligent food monitoring with IoT

Send us an enquiry - we look forward to working together to design the best solution for your business.
HACCP lists no longer 4 years in the confusing paper-folder chaos, but transparent, digitally retrievable at any time. All measuring points and documentation as well as alarms in one web interface.
Organize your operation no matter where you are and always stay informed about your process-relevant data.
Efficient energy management - is your refrigerator constantly 3 °C too cold?
Ask CHECK HACCP and uncover your savings potential.

Out of the silos
Max Maier, owner of the kitchen technology provider Rieber, and Anette Bronder, T-Systems Managing Director Digital Division and Telekom Security, on the cooperation between SMEs and corporations, on how digitisation projects need to take away employees' fears and why sometimes mental leaps lead to new business models.

urbanharbor - nomen est omen
Behind the nomenclature of the urbanharbor is the emblematic idea of an urban port. A hub for exchange - not in the original sense of goods and commodities, but ideas and innovations. A place where collaboration is put into practice, organized and supplied by digital processes and services. Companies such as Porsche Digital, Bosch Start-Up grow, Deutsche Telekom and Rieber come together here to work on tomorrow's ideas for the future. Inside the urban industrial hall, containers are anchored as a physical port component. The standardized function of the container as a logistics medium is given new spatial facets in the urbanharbor - transformed and emotionalized into working and living spaces.
For the food supply on the industrial area CHECK CLOUD organizes the logistic standard of the gastronomy, the standardized container made of stainless steel.
As early as 1964, Rieber made a significant contribution to the establishment of this logistics standard in the catering industry and continues to innovate its standardised product range to this day, for example with new lid variants for the vacuuming of food or the material of the container itself, using highly conductive multi-layer material. Rieber is therefore the perfect partner for a functionally standardised food container system.
The CHECK CLOUD is based on this food logistics standard and organises the GN containers into a closed reusable system in the canteen kitchen of the speisewerk on the urbanharbor site. CHECK HACCP is used to digitally document and organize hygiene in addition to monitoring the temperature of all food. In addition, all cold storage rooms and transporters automatically send the current room temperatures to the CHECK CLOUD, which always ensures that food and meals are stored and transported at the correct temperature. Even outside of operating hours, the operator can view the current data at any time and is immediately alerted as soon as the specified limit ranges are exceeded or undershot.
Food-safe QR code stickers at all measuring points in the kitchen and serving area clearly identify where, when and which person responsible has collected the measurement data. The speisewerk uses CHECK HACCP to digitally and transparently document the entire large canteen on-site and the catering off-site. This has reduced the time required per day for documenting the HACCP lists from approx. 45 minutes to 5-7 minutes and also ensures that all data can be called up on demand. The room in which the analogue HACCP slip folders were stored and kept, as physical evidence for the control authority, is now a meeting room in which new concepts can be discussed and developed. During routine inspections, speisewerk can now use the CHECK Cockpit to send digital HACCP lists with real-time data for specific purposes, from the cold store, to the food and bistro serving areas, to the mobile food transport equipment. A real case that shows that digitalization helps to organize and optimize existing processes.